My Story
As a lifelong resident of Loudon and a sixth-generation farmer operating Pearl and Sons Farm on Loudon Ridge, I believe in New Hampshire's traditional “Common Sense” values. My strong business ethic is deeply rooted and has steadily grown since I took over the farm at age 20. I've made real strides in improving and growing the farm, utilizing a strong commitment to sound business principles combined with sensible financial strategies. And I've also worked hard to successfully promote collaboration within our local business community.

My three terms in the N.H. House of Representatives provided me withgreat insights, a working knowledge of how to get things done, and countless new positive relationships. I successfully sponsored many bills aimed at preserving a way of life that families like mine have enjoyed for generations. It was an honor to be entrusted by legislative leadership with the chairmanship of the House Environment and Agriculture Committee. It was similarly an honor to be entrusted with the position of Loudon Town Moderator by the folks who know me best. The experiences and knowledge I gained from serving in these roles readied me for new opportunities to serve my fellow Granite Staters.
My commitment to agriculture and to the greater New Hampshire community remains profound. I still serve on the N.H. Farm Bureau's state board of directors as treasurer, on the Executive Committee of the Concord Grange Chapter, and as a member of two statutory committees relating to solid waste and weights and measures.
Over the last 20 years I've held many different positions within community and trade-based organizations to include the Loudon Zoning Board, the Loudon Trust Fund Committee, the N.H. Maple Producers, the Merrimack County Farm Bureau, the Speedway Childrens Charities, and the Farm Credit East Customer Service Council.
With the full support of my fiancé Heather, I remain deeply committed to continue to serve constituents as well as the greater Granite State community. My beliefs in hard work, a positive attitude, and compassion have served me well in all my roles as I seek to continue to make a difference for the better for my family, my community, and our wonderful Granite State.

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We need Howard Pearl in the Senate to stop the Washington socialist agenda from impacting New Hampshire!
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